Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Family Pics

I had an awesome opportunity to photograph my friend Belinda's beautiful family. I love taking photos, but usually only take them of my own kiddos. What a great time we had taking these pictures. Can't you just feel the love? I realize that's cheesy, but for real...

Friday, July 1, 2016

4th of July photos

Last year I did pictures of the kids for 4th of July and I really loved how they turned out. I had to do them again, especially since I made the girls some special dresses this year! Learning to sew cute dresses for them was a bucket list thing for me. I just wanted to see if I could do it. I know now that I can, but it's cheaper to just buy them. haha

My oldest was helping me get my settings right on my camera before bringing all the kiddos out and I said to him, "I'm sure that other parents don't torture their kids like this, sorry buddy." He says back, "That's okay mom, that's what makes you special." Wow! What a great kid he is. Thankful they put up with their crazy mother, because doing goofy stuff like this makes me so happy. 

 This was their own idea, but so boy. Love it!

Happy Independence day!!!! Truly love this wonderful country!

Project life pages

I love how easy Project Life is! I am getting so many more pages done and in albums than ever before. And proof I do pages of my boys too, sometimes they just don't get featured. =) The boys really love it when I do pages of them.